Oaks Dynamics An Autism and Behavioral Health Company ABOUT US Welcome At Oaks Dynamics, we believe that everyone is unique, so would their path to success. ABOUT US Oaks Dynamics An Autism and Behavioral Health Company ABOUT US

About Us

Oaks Dynamics is made up of a team of Board Certified Behavior Analysts, experts in special education, psychologists, psychiatrists, and direct care therapists, that understand the challenges families face with the critical behavioral, social, and educational needs that are unique to children with autism and related disorders and strive to meet their unique needs.


Our Commitment

We are committed to providing innovative programs in high energy, fun-filled atmosphere that promote social skills, social integration, self-regulation, communication and other multiple areas of individual needs.


Our Belief

At Oaks Dynamics, we believe that everyone is unique, so would their path to success. While keeping an eye on the disabilities, we design programs that integrate each person’s abilities, interests, strengths, and goals to customize their learning journey in fun and engaging ways.

We help our clients and families build bridges that lead to greater integration and independence.


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